Lesson 1: Don’t ask me what I am Knitting
At first I was going to dive right in talking about tools and materials, but if I am truly going to make a blog about crocheting 101, the very first thing everyone should know is, crocheting is not knitting. While both fiber arts use the same materials there are some key differences.
The first major difference is the tools that are used. Crocheting uses a single crochet hook to create pieces, while knitting uses 2 and sometimes 4 , maybe more, knitting needles depending on the project.
Another difference between the two fiber arts is that crocheting cannot be replicated by machine. There are knitting machines, both commercial and personal, that are able to create knit pieces. While knitting machines do help turn out knitting projects faster, in my opinion it is no substitution for an actual hand knit piece although both methods can create quite beautiful pieces.
While there are other differences between these 2 crafts, they are far more technical than we need to get at this time. The main thing to remember is that when crocheting you are using 1 crochet hook and knitting uses 2 knitting needles.